আপনারা সবাই কেমন আছেন, আশা করি খুব ভাল আছেন এবং আগামিতে যেন সব সময় ভালো থাকেন। ট্রিকবিডির পক্ষ থেকে এই কামনা রইলো।
এবার Trickbd কে Facebook এ Like দিয়ে নিন।
নিচের লিনক থেকে App টি নামিয়ে নিন।
Root Booster:
There are many apps that save battery
or increase performance, however Root
Booster uses the most proven settings to
achive the best results. You can easily
apply these settings with preset modes
which ensure speed boost, battery boost
or stability boost. These modes are
achieved by applying appropriate settings
Hibernation (Android OS optimizer):
Each Android application can have one or
multiple services. They run in the
background and usually perform some kind
of task. Many people think that when
they kill an application, it completely
stops draining your battery and computing
power, but that’s not true. Application
still have servicies that are running after
killing and still drains battery and
comuting power.Application still have
servicies that are running after killing and
still drains battery and comuting power.
CPU (Processor Governor Control):
A governor is a driver for the regulation
of CPU frequency. Governor decides how
fast and when will be achieved maximal or
minimal CPU frequency.
RAM (Memory Manager):
data and work. The main reason to change
the VM heap size is stability
Name- Root Booster
Licence- Premium
Platform- Android
Rating- 4.5
Root Required
সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ। সুস্থ্য থাকুন,ভালো থাকুন এবং সব সময় ট্রিকবিডি এর সাথেই থাকুন।