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তাড়াতড়ি ডাউনলোড করে নিন দারুন একটি Launcher যা আপনি হয়তো খুজতেছিলেন


আপনারা সবাই কেমন আছেন, আশা করি খুব ভাল আছেন এবং আগামিতে যেন সব সময়ভালো থাকেন। ট্রিকবিডির পক্ষ থেকেএই
কামনা রইলো।
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এবার নিচের লিনক থেকে App টি নামিয়ে নিন।

iSwipe support you a more simple and convenient way to access your applications, switch your system switches.
Lightweight, reliable, user-friendly. Wherever you are, iSwipe could satisfied you manipulation requirements, excute your actions. Only one swipe from the bottom corner of your desktop to start the iSwipe.
What can iSwipe do for you?

– Are you still annoying with cannot find the frequently used application and boring with looking for the one has just used?
iSwipe embedded smart algorithms to manage the applications you’ve used recently and those apps you always want to use. No scurry anymore, one swipe to open, one hand to control.

– System switches are complex and confuse?
iSwipe integrated all your system switches into one tab. Don’t like this switch? Just delete! Want another? Add freely!

– Don’t like swipe every time? Never bother me when I’m playing games?
The little white dot keeps an action that when you click him, the iSwipe tab will be opened?And you can also block the apps you don’t want to swipe in setting. Use little white dot, swipe always could work.

– System too slow & RAM jam?
iSwipe has integrated the Speed up function in the Switch tab. One click, take a deep breath for your mobile phone.

P.S. We looking forward for your feedback and suggestions!

Size : 1.3M
Current Version : 1.2
Requires Android : 4.0 and up

সবাই ভালো থাকবেন এবং সব সময় ট্রিকবিডির সাথে থাকবেন।।।।।