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এই পোষ্টটি দেখলে আর কখনো আর dialogue পড়তে হবে না(must see)


যে কোনো প্রকার Dialogue লেখার নিয়মঃ
মানুষের জীবনে জন্য দরকারী এমন কিছু
নিয়েDialogue( Tree plantation,
Importance of reading
newspaper, Importance of
learning English, Importance of
taking physical exercise, Morning
walk, Importance of early rising
Ans: A dialogue between ________
and _______ about ________ .
X : Good morning. How are you ?
Y : Good morning. I’m fine and
you ?

X : I’m also fine. Are you busy
now ?
Y : No. Why ?
X : I want to talk with you about
a serious matter.
Y : Obviously. I am always ready
to tell you whatever you wish to
X : Can you tell me about ________ ?
Y : The importance of ______ is so
much that cannot be expressed
in word. It is the most essential
thing that is necessary in every
step in our life. It is very
important forhuman being. To
lead a happy and peaceful life,
every person should know
theimportance of_____ . A man
can not shine in life without
giving importance on it.
X : Thank you very much. I have
learnt many things from you.
Y : Welcome. I have to go now.
Good bye.
X : Good bye.