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Accept all facebook friend request at once


Accept all facebook friend request at once

* Accept All Friend Request
* Author: Nasir Uddin Nobin
* Version: 1.0
* How to use: Use firebug console and paste these and RUN it tow times. It will accept all pending request from facebook.
* Note: If facebook make any changes to their site structure this code may not able to accept request.
*/ if(typeof(jQuery)=="undefined"){ include("jquery"); }else{ accept_req(); } function accept_req(){ var req_count=$("").text(); var req1=req_count.split("("); var req2=req1[1].split(")"); var final_req_count=req2[0]; var loop_need = Math.floor(final_req_count/10)+1; for(i=1; i < loop_need; i++){ $.get(""+i+"&tid=u_0_0&bph="+i+"#friends_center_main", function(data){ $("body").html(data);
$("").each(function(){ var url=$(this).attr("href"); $.get(url); }); }); }}