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game review
Thor: TDW – The Official Game v1.2.2a Apk + Data for android Thor: TDW – The Official Game v1.2.2a Apk + Data for android
Thor: TDW – The Official Game is a Action Game for android download last version of Thor: TDW – The Official Game Apk for android from direct link Become Thor, the God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game based on Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World theatrical film!
NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free storage space in order to install. If the download does not start in Google Play, it may be because there is not enough free space on the device. Malekith, the lord of the Dark Elves and ancient enemy of Asgard, leads a revolt to destroy the Nine Worlds! Thor must race to free the universe from the Dark Elves’ evil! Hack and slash your way through this epic action game with Asgard’s greatest warriors and avengers. You are the only man who can stand against Malekith’s dark ambitions
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