ello guys. How are you all? I hope you are all well. I came again with a post. Let’s go..

আপনি যদি বলেন যে এই পোস্ট আগে করেছি তাহলে হ্যাঁ করেছি। কিন্তু এটি আলাদা কেনো আলাদা পোস্ট দেখলে বুঝে যাবেন। |
তো আমি কেনো আলাদা বললাম?
আগের কোডটি শুধু একটি ওয়েব পেজ এ করা যায়। কিন্তু যদি এই chatbot আপনি আপনার সাইট এর যেকোনো পেজ এ ব্যবহার করতে পারেন কেমন হবে? হ্যাঁ এটি Chatbot এমন ভাবেই Flating button হিসাবে তৈরি করা হয়েছে।
বাটন এ ক্লিক করে chatbot চালু হবে।যেমন:
Gemini Chatbot তৈরি করতে Gemini Api Key লাগবে তা নিচে বলে দিচ্ছি। Step-by-Setep ফলো করুন। তো চলুন শুরু করা যাক। |
Gemini Api Key
প্রথমে এই লিংক এ ক্লিক করুন →
তারপর New Project তৈরি করুন।
Search “Gemini” and click..
Enable now
Click & Api key generate
Copy Api key
এই Api key টা শুধু Javascript কোড এর এখানে বসাবেন।
তো এখন কোড গুলে নিন।
Html code
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>AI Chatbot | Hasan</title>
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<h2 class="logo-text">Chatbot</h2>
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<div class="message bot-message">
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d="M738.3 287.6H285.7c-59 0-106.8 47.8-106.8 106.8v303.1c0 59 47.8 106.8 106.8 106.8h81.5v111.1c0 .7.8 1.1 1.4.7l166.9-110.6 41.8-.8h117.4l43.6-.4c59 0 106.8-47.8 106.8-106.8V394.5c0-59-47.8-106.9-106.8-106.9zM351.7 448.2c0-29.5 23.9-53.5 53.5-53.5s53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5-53.5-23.9-53.5-53.5zm157.9 267.1c-67.8 0-123.8-47.5-132.3-109h264.6c-8.6 61.5-64.5 109-132.3 109zm110-213.7c-29.5 0-53.5-23.9-53.5-53.5s23.9-53.5 53.5-53.5 53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5zM867.2 644.5V453.1h26.5c19.4 0 35.1 15.7 35.1 35.1v121.1c0 19.4-15.7 35.1-35.1 35.1h-26.5zM95.2 609.4V488.2c0-19.4 15.7-35.1 35.1-35.1h26.5v191.3h-26.5c-19.4 0-35.1-15.7-35.1-35.1zM561.5 149.6c0 23.4-15.6 43.3-36.9 49.7v44.9h-30v-44.9c-21.4-6.5-36.9-26.3-36.9-49.7 0-28.6 23.3-51.9 51.9-51.9s51.9 23.3 51.9 51.9z"
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
<div class="message-text"> Hey there <br /> How can I help you today? </div>
<!-- Chatbot Footer -->
<div class="chat-footer">
<form action="#" class="chat-form">
<textarea placeholder="Message..." class="message-input" required></textarea>
<div class="chat-controls">
<button type="button" id="emoji-picker" class="material-symbols-outlined">sentiment_satisfied</button>
<div class="file-upload-wrapper">
<input type="file" accept="image/*" id="file-input" hidden />
<img src="#" />
<button type="button" id="file-upload" class="material-symbols-rounded">attach_file</button>
<button type="button" id="file-cancel" class="material-symbols-rounded">close</button>
<button type="submit" id="send-message" class="material-symbols-rounded">arrow_upward</button>
<!-- Linking Emoji Mart script for emoji picker -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/emoji-mart@latest/dist/browser.js"></script>
<!-- Linking custom script -->
<script src="script.js"></script>
css code
/* Importing Google Fonts - Inter */ @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:opsz,wght@14..32,100..900&display=swap'); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Inter", sans-serif; } body { width: 100%; min-height: 100vh; background: linear-gradient(#EEEEFF, #C8C7FF); } #chatbot-toggler { position: fixed; bottom: 30px; right: 35px; border: none; height: 50px; width: 50px; display: flex; cursor: pointer; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: 50%; background: #5350C4; box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); transition: all 0.2s ease; } body.show-chatbot #chatbot-toggler { transform: rotate(90deg); } #chatbot-toggler span { color: #fff; position: absolute; } #chatbot-toggler span:last-child, body.show-chatbot #chatbot-toggler span:first-child { opacity: 0; } body.show-chatbot #chatbot-toggler span:last-child { opacity: 1; } .chatbot-popup { position: fixed; right: 35px; bottom: 90px; width: 420px; overflow: hidden; background: #fff; border-radius: 15px; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; transform: scale(0.2); transform-origin: bottom right; box-shadow: 0 0 128px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 32px 64px -48px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); transition: all 0.1s ease; } body.show-chatbot .chatbot-popup { opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; transform: scale(1); } .chat-header { display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 15px 22px; background: #5350C4; justify-content: space-between; } .chat-header .header-info { display: flex; gap: 10px; align-items: center; } .header-info .chatbot-logo { width: 35px; height: 35px; padding: 6px; fill: #5350C4; flex-shrink: 0; background: #fff; border-radius: 50%; } .header-info .logo-text { color: #fff; font-weight: 600; font-size: 1.31rem; letter-spacing: 0.02rem; } .chat-header #close-chatbot { border: none; color: #fff; height: 40px; width: 40px; font-size: 1.9rem; margin-right: -10px; padding-top: 2px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 50%; background: none; transition: 0.2s ease; } .chat-header #close-chatbot:hover { background: #3d39ac; } .chat-body { padding: 25px 22px; gap: 20px; display: flex; height: 460px; overflow-y: auto; margin-bottom: 82px; flex-direction: column; scrollbar-width: thin; scrollbar-color: #ccccf5 transparent; } .chat-body, .chat-form .message-input:hover { scrollbar-color: #ccccf5 transparent; } .chat-body .message { display: flex; gap: 11px; align-items: center; } .chat-body .message .bot-avatar { width: 35px; height: 35px; padding: 6px; fill: #fff; flex-shrink: 0; margin-bottom: 2px; align-self: flex-end; border-radius: 50%; background: #5350C4; } .chat-body .message .message-text { padding: 12px 16px; max-width: 75%; font-size: 0.95rem; } .chat-body .bot-message.thinking .message-text { padding: 2px 16px; } .chat-body .bot-message .message-text { background: #F2F2FF; border-radius: 13px 13px 13px 3px; } .chat-body .user-message { flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-end; } .chat-body .user-message .message-text { color: #fff; background: #5350C4; border-radius: 13px 13px 3px 13px; } .chat-body .user-message .attachment { width: 50%; margin-top: -7px; border-radius: 13px 3px 13px 13px; } .chat-body .bot-message .thinking-indicator { display: flex; gap: 4px; padding-block: 15px; } .chat-body .bot-message .thinking-indicator .dot { height: 7px; width: 7px; opacity: 0.7; border-radius: 50%; background: #6F6BC2; animation: dotPulse 1.8s ease-in-out infinite; } .chat-body .bot-message .thinking-indicator .dot:nth-child(1) { animation-delay: 0.2s; } .chat-body .bot-message .thinking-indicator .dot:nth-child(2) { animation-delay: 0.3s; } .chat-body .bot-message .thinking-indicator .dot:nth-child(3) { animation-delay: 0.4s; } @keyframes dotPulse { 0%, 44% { transform: translateY(0); } 28% { opacity: 0.4; transform: translateY(-4px); } 44% { opacity: 0.2; } } .chat-footer { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; background: #fff; padding: 15px 22px 20px; } .chat-footer .chat-form { display: flex; align-items: center; position: relative; background: #fff; border-radius: 32px; outline: 1px solid #CCCCE5; box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); transition: 0s ease, border-radius 0s; } .chat-form:focus-within { outline: 2px solid #5350C4; } .chat-form .message-input { width: 100%; height: 47px; outline: none; resize: none; border: none; max-height: 180px; scrollbar-width: thin; border-radius: inherit; font-size: 0.95rem; padding: 14px 0 12px 18px; scrollbar-color: transparent transparent; } .chat-form .chat-controls { gap: 3px; height: 47px; display: flex; padding-right: 6px; align-items: center; align-self: flex-end; } .chat-form .chat-controls button { height: 35px; width: 35px; border: none; cursor: pointer; color: #706DB0; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 1.15rem; background: none; transition: 0.2s ease; } .chat-form .chat-controls button:hover, body.show-emoji-picker .chat-controls #emoji-picker { color: #3d39ac; background: #f1f1ff; } .chat-form .chat-controls #send-message { color: #fff; display: none; background: #5350C4; } .chat-form .chat-controls #send-message:hover { background: #3d39ac; } .chat-form .message-input:valid~.chat-controls #send-message { display: block; } .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper { position: relative; height: 35px; width: 35px; } .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper :where(button, img) { position: absolute; } .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper img { height: 100%; width: 100%; object-fit: cover; border-radius: 50%; } .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper #file-cancel { color: #ff0000; background: #fff; } .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper :where(img, #file-cancel), .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper.file-uploaded #file-upload { display: none; } .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper.file-uploaded img, .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper.file-uploaded:hover #file-cancel { display: block; } em-emoji-picker { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: -337px; width: 100%; max-width: 350px; visibility: hidden; max-height: 330px; transform: translateX(-50%); } body.show-emoji-picker em-emoji-picker { visibility: visible; } /* Responsive media query for mobile screens */ @media (max-width: 520px) { #chatbot-toggler { right: 20px; bottom: 20px; } .chatbot-popup { right: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100%; border-radius: 0; width: 100%; } .chatbot-popup .chat-header { padding: 12px 15px; } .chat-body { height: calc(90% - 55px); padding: 25px 15px; } .chat-footer { padding: 10px 15px 15px; } .chat-form .file-upload-wrapper.file-uploaded #file-cancel { opacity: 0; } }
Javascript code
const chatBody = document.querySelector(".chat-body");
const messageInput = document.querySelector(".message-input");
const sendMessage = document.querySelector("#send-message");
const fileInput = document.querySelector("#file-input");
const fileUploadWrapper = document.querySelector(".file-upload-wrapper");
const fileCancelButton = fileUploadWrapper.querySelector("#file-cancel");
const chatbotToggler = document.querySelector("#chatbot-toggler");
const closeChatbot = document.querySelector("#close-chatbot");
// API setup
const API_URL = `https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1beta/models/gemini-1.5-flash:generateContent?key=${API_KEY}`;
// Initialize user message and file data
const userData = {
message: null,
file: {
data: null,
mime_type: null,
// Store chat history
const chatHistory = [];
const initialInputHeight = messageInput.scrollHeight;
// Create message element with dynamic classes and return it
const createMessageElement = (content, ...classes) => {
const div = document.createElement("div");
div.classList.add("message", ...classes);
div.innerHTML = content;
return div;
// Generate bot response using API
const generateBotResponse = async (incomingMessageDiv) => {
const messageElement = incomingMessageDiv.querySelector(".message-text");
// Add user message to chat history
role: "user",
parts: [{ text: userData.message }, ...(userData.file.data ? [{ inline_data: userData.file }] : [])],
// API request options
const requestOptions = {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({
contents: chatHistory,
try {
// Fetch bot response from API
const response = await fetch(API_URL, requestOptions);
const data = await response.json();
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(data.error.message);
// Extract and display bot's response text
const apiResponseText = data.candidates[0].content.parts[0].text.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, "$1").trim();
messageElement.innerText = apiResponseText;
// Add bot response to chat history
role: "model",
parts: [{ text: apiResponseText }],
} catch (error) {
// Handle error in API response
messageElement.innerText = error.message;
messageElement.style.color = "#ff0000";
} finally {
// Reset user's file data, removing thinking indicator and scroll chat to bottom
userData.file = {};
chatBody.scrollTo({ top: chatBody.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
// Handle outgoing user messages
const handleOutgoingMessage = (e) => {
userData.message = messageInput.value.trim();
messageInput.value = "";
messageInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
// Create and display user message
const messageContent = `<div class="message-text"></div>
${userData.file.data ? `<img src="data:${userData.file.mime_type};base64,${userData.file.data}" class="attachment" />` : ""}`;
const outgoingMessageDiv = createMessageElement(messageContent, "user-message");
outgoingMessageDiv.querySelector(".message-text").innerText = userData.message;
chatBody.scrollTo({ top: chatBody.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
// Simulate bot response with thinking indicator after a delay
setTimeout(() => {
const messageContent = `<svg class="bot-avatar" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
d="M738.3 287.6H285.7c-59 0-106.8 47.8-106.8 106.8v303.1c0 59 47.8 106.8 106.8 106.8h81.5v111.1c0 .7.8 1.1 1.4.7l166.9-110.6 41.8-.8h117.4l43.6-.4c59 0 106.8-47.8 106.8-106.8V394.5c0-59-47.8-106.9-106.8-106.9zM351.7 448.2c0-29.5 23.9-53.5 53.5-53.5s53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5-53.5-23.9-53.5-53.5zm157.9 267.1c-67.8 0-123.8-47.5-132.3-109h264.6c-8.6 61.5-64.5 109-132.3 109zm110-213.7c-29.5 0-53.5-23.9-53.5-53.5s23.9-53.5 53.5-53.5 53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5zM867.2 644.5V453.1h26.5c19.4 0 35.1 15.7 35.1 35.1v121.1c0 19.4-15.7 35.1-35.1 35.1h-26.5zM95.2 609.4V488.2c0-19.4 15.7-35.1 35.1-35.1h26.5v191.3h-26.5c-19.4 0-35.1-15.7-35.1-35.1zM561.5 149.6c0 23.4-15.6 43.3-36.9 49.7v44.9h-30v-44.9c-21.4-6.5-36.9-26.3-36.9-49.7 0-28.6 23.3-51.9 51.9-51.9s51.9 23.3 51.9 51.9z"/></svg>
<div class="message-text">
<div class="thinking-indicator">
<div class="dot"></div>
<div class="dot"></div>
<div class="dot"></div>
const incomingMessageDiv = createMessageElement(messageContent, "bot-message", "thinking");
chatBody.scrollTo({ top: chatBody.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
}, 600);
// Adjust input field height dynamically
messageInput.addEventListener("input", () => {
messageInput.style.height = `${initialInputHeight}px`;
messageInput.style.height = `${messageInput.scrollHeight}px`;
document.querySelector(".chat-form").style.borderRadius = messageInput.scrollHeight > initialInputHeight ? "15px" : "32px";
// Handle Enter key press for sending messages
messageInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
const userMessage = e.target.value.trim();
if (e.key === "Enter" && !e.shiftKey && userMessage && window.innerWidth > 768) {
// Handle file input change and preview the selected file
fileInput.addEventListener("change", () => {
const file = fileInput.files[0];
if (!file) return;
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
fileInput.value = "";
fileUploadWrapper.querySelector("img").src = e.target.result;
const base64String = e.target.result.split(",")[1];
// Store file data in userData
userData.file = {
data: base64String,
mime_type: file.type,
// Cancel file upload
fileCancelButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
userData.file = {};
// Initialize emoji picker and handle emoji selection
const picker = new EmojiMart.Picker({
theme: "light",
skinTonePosition: "none",
previewPosition: "none",
onEmojiSelect: (emoji) => {
const { selectionStart: start, selectionEnd: end } = messageInput;
messageInput.setRangeText(emoji.native, start, end, "end");
onClickOutside: (e) => {
if (e.target.id === "emoji-picker") {
} else {
sendMessage.addEventListener("click", (e) => handleOutgoingMessage(e));
document.querySelector("#file-upload").addEventListener("click", () => fileInput.click());
closeChatbot.addEventListener("click", () => document.body.classList.remove("show-chatbot"));
chatbotToggler.addEventListener("click", () => document.body.classList.toggle("show-chatbot"));
কোড গুলো সব বসিয়ে দিন আর চেক করুন কাজ করবে। না করলে কমেন্ট এ বলুন। |
o friends, that’s it for today. See you in another post. If you like the post then like and comment. Stay tuned to Trickbd.com for any updates.
9 thoughts on "নিজেই তৈরি করুন Gemini Ai Chatbot এবং অনেক সুন্দর ডিজাইন সহ [Html, Css, Javascript]"