আমার মোবাইলটা আগে রুট করা ছিলো কালকে আনরুট করছি তার পর থেকেই play store এ নেট কানেকশন আসে না। আমি মোবাইলটা রিসেট করলে ও কোনো কাজ হই নাই। এই বার play store এ আর লগ ইন ঈ হই না। কি ভাবে ঠিক করতে হবে বড় ভাইরা যদি বলেন তা হলে ভালো হয়।।।

14 thoughts on "how can i solve play store cheak internet connection problem?argent help needed"

  1. Eyes Contributor says:
    poxi….. setting a Internet poxi ta active kore dan….. solve hoya jabe
  2. Avatar photo Action prince Contributor says:
    ha ha just go to file manager then click system then click etc and delete the (hosts) name er akta file ,,,100% working
    1. Avatar photo Jeme Author Post Creator says:
      kaj hoi nakaj hoi nai
  3. Avatar photo estyak Contributor says:
    same poblem√√√
  4. Avatar photo Jeme Author Post Creator says:
    try kore dekhe bro
  5. Avatar photo joyahamad12 Author says:
    apnar phone root thakte hobe…tarpor host editor software open kore….google er sob proxy delete korte hobe…
    1. Avatar photo Jeme Author Post Creator says:
      ok..bro try kore dekhe
  6. Android Contributor says:
    Thanks bro for your comment.
  7. mdsolaiman635 Contributor says:
    apnar phone ki root kora?
  8. Uuuuu Contributor says:
    root kore . . . play stor fixer namer appta dawnload kore
    try korte paren . . . ei problem amaro hoicilo..ei app dia thik korci
    1. Avatar photo Azim Ahmed Contributor says:
      Bro apnake tnx.apnar ai comment a amar onek help hoyeche jodio solution ta arekjon ke diyesilen.thank you so much.
  9. Avatar photo srazz Contributor says:
    yes I have rooted my device
  10. Avatar photo shaadhin Contributor says:
    1) noroot firewall install kora thakle oitate dhuke apps a giye cross mark tule tick(green color) kore den

    2) background data restriction off kore den.

  11. Bijoypaul Contributor says:
    Vai amar tao aki problem hoiselo but ami amar phoner backup rakcilam tar por restore korai abar thik hoisa…..

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