SR Riyad
Hi,! i'm riyad! i love computers & phones & smart tachnology....
I'm an expart user's of ict devices. I wanna be an ethical hacker. I'm not profational Hacker but i have many skills of Hacking.... I love to help people. I'm no one spcial. I'm just ekto tera type boy.....!!
#Name: SR Riyad
#Father: Anamul Haque (Bangladesh Political Leader)
#Mother: Molina (House wife)
#Date of Birth: 11 September 2005
#Permanent Adress: Comilla, Bangladesh
#Marital Status: Single
#Nationality: Bangladesh (by Birth)
#Religion: Muslim
#Blood Group: O+ (positive)
#Education: topper
#Skills: Windows 7/10 Expart, Kali Lunix Expart, Mangement,
#Hacking Skills: Musking, Tracking, Soofing, FB Spaming, RCA!, Termux, Kali Lunix (ect)
#Phone: +8801304055509 +8801890330585
#Plz... Read more biographical information from facebook