হেলো জনগণ, পেরাগ্রাফ ক্লাস ৬ থেকে ইন্টারমিডিয়েট পর্যন্ত সবার ই কাজে লাগে। তাই সংগ্রহে রাখতে পারেন এইটা। আর একটি গুরুত্বপুর্ন কথা, কেও এইটা শিখে এইটার উপর নির্ভর করে থাকবেন না এই পেরাগ্রাফ গুলা আলাদা আলাদা ভাবে শিখে রাখুন, শুধু এইগুলার উপর নির্ভর করলে আপনার উদ্ভাবনি ক্ষমতা, আপনার মেধা, আপনার অনুধাবন ও প্রয়োগের ক্ষমতা, ক্রিয়েভিটি সব ধ্বংশ হয়ে যাবে। তাই শুধু পরিক্ষাই কমন না পড়লে বিপদ থেকে বাচার জন্য এইগুলা শিখে রাখতে পারেন। আর নিচের লেখাগুলা ইন্টারনেট থেকে সংগ্রহ করা, আর আসল লেখক কে ক্রেডিট অ দিতে পারতেছিনা কারন এইটার আসল লেখক কে বলা মুশকিল। সবাই ই নিজের নামে চালাই দিতেছে। জাই হোক সবাই সংগ্রগে রাখতে পারেন জিনিষটি।
৫ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখে লিখুন
১০০ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ
ইমারজেন্সি পরিস্থিতির জন্য
অর্থাৎ পরীক্ষায় প্যারাগ্রাফ কমন
না পরলে
তখন কাজে আসবে …
স্টুডেন্টরা সাধারণত প্যারাগ্রাফ
মুখস্ত করে …
এই প্যারাগ্রাফ গুলো শিখলে নিজ
থেকে বানায় লেখার
চেষ্টা করবে …
NB. [ There is only common sentences. So
you have to
acquire some knowledge on those ➫
[ TOPIC ] ]
[ TOPIC ] এর স্থানে আপনার
কাঙ্ক্ষিত প্যারাগ্রাফটির নাম
লিখুন …
১.প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Copying in the examination 2.
Environment Pollution 3. Air pollution 4.
Terrorism in the campus 5. Terrorism 6.
Black marketing 6. Unadult marriage 7.
Traffic jam 8.Load-shedding 9. Hartal day
10. Road accident 11. Drug addiction 12.
Dangerous of smoking 13. Arsenic
Pollution 14. Conspiracy 15. Brain-drain 16.
Gambling 17. Dacoity 18. Anarchy 19.
Bribery 20. Black money 21. Child labour
22. Deforestation 23. Acid throwing 24.
Superstition 25. Corruption 26. Political
chaos 27. Women & child trafficking/
torturing 28. Toll-extortion 29. Population
problem 30. Conspiracy.
➫ [ TOPIC ] is a great and harmful problem.
It is not only
a common matter for our own country but
also for the
other countries too. ➫ [ TOPIC ] destroying
our social
peach and happiness. Day by day it is
going out of our
control which is very alarming. Keeping
this problem we
can not imagine our peace and happy life.
Though ➫
[ TOPIC ] is very tough to remove this
problem totally
from the society but we have to try at any
cost. Without
removing this acute problem people can’t
get relief.
Everybody wants a good solution for this
Beside govt. should come forward to
overcome this
problem. The law forces agencies should
arrest them
who are creating this kind of problem. ➫
[ TOPIC ] is
possible to remove by creating public
awareness. So we
should be more active to get a better
Joydip Deb Nath→জয়দ্বীপ দেব নাথ
২.প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Bravity 2.Valu of time 3.Honesty
4.Discipline 5.Perseverance 6.Confidence
7.Politeness 8.Ambition 9.Glorious mind
10.Optimism 11.Hopefulness 12.Talent
13.Selp-help 14.Truthfulness 15.Courtesy
16.Friendship 17.Labour 18.Education
19.Patriotism 20.Character
24.Love 25.Integrity 26.Punctuality
27.Kindness 28.Liberty 29.Dutifulness
30.Self-reliance 31.Obedience
31.Faithfulness 32.Modesty 33.Industry
35.Personality 36.Intellectuality
37.Humanity 38.Gratitude 39.Moral courage
40.Contentment 41.Common sense
42.Charity 43.Diligence 44.Tolerance
45.Self-criticism 46.Self-reliance 47.Civic-
sence 48.Cleanliness
➫ [ TOPIC ] is the most valuable and
powerful element of
our success in life. It enriches self-
confidence of our
running life. If we want to reach of our aim
we must
attain such quality. It is need to have for
mental faculty.
➫ [ TOPIC ] can bring out reward for human
beings. It is
important to have ➫ [ TOPIC ] to retain the
existence of
human beings. Without ➫ [ TOPIC ]
anybody can not
achieve anything great and glorious. A man
can lose his
prestigious life for its absence. Most of the
persons have gained success by it. ➫
[ TOPIC ] is a kind
of knowledge which thing no training can
teach. ➫
[ TOPIC ] broadens our outlook. Therefore
we should
have this quality at any cost.
৩.প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Dish Antenna 2. Satellite 3. Mobile
Phone 4. Cellular
Phone 5. Internet 6. Computer 7. E-mail/
Fax 8. Electricity
9. Credit Card 10. Money Gram 11.
We live in the age of science and
technology. With the help of science and
technology we have invented many
wonderful things. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is one of
them. It is the
blessing of science for the world. Today
we can enjoy
various objectives of the world through ➫
[ TOPIC ] . It
brought the remotest places of the world
on hand. It has
some exceptional power. We should use
technology properly. We can widen our
knowledge by it
in different fields. ➫ [ TOPIC ] gives us a
lot of
opportunities and it mainly influence more
on young
generation. As every things has its both
negative and
positive side so ➫ [ TOPIC ] has also two
sides and we
should use only positive sides which
provide us useful
Joydip Deb Nath→জয়দ্বীপ দেব নাথ
৪.প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Writing poem 2. Singing song 3. Keeping
a diary 4.
Catching fish 5. Jogging 6. A boat race 7.
stamps 8. Traveling 9. Swimming 10.
Gardening 11.
Fishing 12. Boating 13. Reading habit 14.
Playing chess
15. Jocking 16. Writing letter 17. Painting
18. Buying
Morning walk 22.
Amusement 23. Buying books
➫ [ TOPIC ] is an interesting habit for
stubborn life. By
this kind of habit we can get rid of boring
life. Everyone
should have any kind of hobby. ➫
[ TOPIC ] is the
shadow of life which gives us vast
amusement. It can be
a part and parcel of education and
Someone uses it for passing time. ➫
[ TOPIC ] causes
some problems sometimes if we are not
concern on
working. ➫ [ TOPIC ] refreshes us not only
physically but
also mentally. To sum up we should have
any kind of
hobby. It can be entertainment or
education for us.
৫.প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Hazrat Muhammad (sm) 2. Sheikh Mujib
3. A Virtuous
Man 4. Rabindranath Tagore 5. Nazrul
Islam 6. Mothr
Teresa 7. Influence of a great man 8. Your
player 9. Moulana Bhashini 10. Your
favourite person/
Friend 11. Your Mother/Father/Grand
mother 12. A great
Politician 13. The teacher you like most 14.
Your ideal
man 15. My pride/friend
➫ [ TOPIC ] is considered as an ideal in my
life. I like
most him because of his wonderful
activities beside his
clear-cut and embedded character. His
personality could be impressed my heart.
For this reason
he is my favorite person. His views on
society, love of
humanity and duty to the every steps
attract one a lot.
His clarity of mind, uprightness of thought,
ideals, and simplicity of life make one his
fan. I respect
his creativity, speech and his
responsibility. Man like ➫
[ TOPIC ] is very necessary for the state.
Everyone should
try to build up character, morality and
personality like
him. It is impossible to be a real person
responsibility, morality, embedded
character and lofty
ideals. For the peace and happiness we
should follow
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